TGIF | 5.17.17 …

Today, this little girl, aka Kayla, then 4 years old and now, a high school senior, attended her last day at school. This picture was taken when she first started preK, 14 years ago. Time flies…

Goal – less: I’ve spent the entire day drifting from one thing to another… my “plan” was abandoned early. I’d signed up for a free online journaling “class” and left after about 10 minutes. Not my cuppa tea. The day turned out to be lovely, weather wise : low 80s sunshine. And no humidity! A perfect opportunity for a leisurely walk…

Inspired by my mid afternoon walk, I spent about an hour making a layout for today’s LOAD (layout a day); the challenge : a surprise and a 4-word title…

Feeling a bit tired – probably bored is a better descriptor – so I’ll end this post, have a glass of wine and knit a bit…

Wishing all a delightful weekend…


7 thoughts on “TGIF | 5.17.17 …

  1. Live photos aren’t my normal mode, but I do love when I get one “by accident” – especially with the little boys – it’s amazing how much movement can get caught in just a few seconds. Sounds like you need a restful weekend …. recharge, relax and enjoy!


  2. I am like Mary – live mode is not my normal. But it does capture some surprising fun things! And, it gave you just what you needed for your post today.

    Congratulations to Kayla! Time does indeed fly! Have a blessed weekend my friend!


  3. I was taking a group of photos of the birds on our feeder. All of them were “live” and amazing to watch when I clicked on them. Now I have to figure out how to freeze the frames I’d like to keep!


  4. Kayla’s a beauty ! I think it is so awesome that you knew in ten minutes it wasn’t a fit for yoU! !!! Wow. You inspire me Honore. I have to keep stopping the LIVE photo thing. My phone is on the fritz. Live photo eats a lot of data.
    Have a lovely weekend. it is supposed to be warm and thundery here. Right now it is just cold. Dang it. I have a heavy jacket on because i won’t close the porch door


  5. Smile. Those live photos surprise me every time. And look at that sweet little girl. Congratulations to her on her graduation day.


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