simply a moment | 9.15.20 …

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… “today, 9:15 am, EST.

Soon, time to make/take notes for “Simply A Moment.” Hard to believe we’re halfway through the month of September! Today is also Ali Edwards’ Story Theme Day – MORNING! OH YES! [deep sigh]. Mornings – Love, Love, Love them. And I’m so grateful that today is quiet. I sit in my usual spot, at the table. Norman’s still sleep. He needs that. The past few days have been a challenge – his glucose readings high. But with the help of medication, and constant monitoring, he’s getting closer to normal. And that’s a good thing!

I took a Zoom class last night on Gelli (gelatin) plate printing and made not a mark ’cause my paints had all dried up! Frustrating (and also a bit embarrassing). I have access to a replay – so all’s not lost …and now I have an excuse to shop for new paints. Which leads me to contemplate today’s agenda – perhaps a trip to the office supply, Michael’s, a PSL – pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and a salad – maybe even a chibata bagel – from Panera…

9:15 am! There goes the timer… taking photos for this post of the view before me. Saw Smoke – our resident feral cat – hopping along the back fence – grass is a tad too long and wet for her liking so she gingerly makes her way through. Note to Self: Txt Jason re time to cut lawn. Refresh tea after I finish reading today’s Simple Abundance essay. Light candle. Contemplate breakfast: decide on smoothie and avocado toast. Watching Ali Edwards monthly Story Kit reveal : MORNINGS. Thinking how perfect could that be?! Every month I’m reinspired by these story ideas and especially this month’s. I think Ali’s quote for this month: one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day! is just perfect. Guess I’d better wrap this post up and get a move on…soon the day will be over and I’ll not have made it out of the house. How was your morning today? I trust as pleasant as mine.   Cheers~

10 thoughts on “simply a moment | 9.15.20 …

  1. You are so cute with your mornings. Fireman loves the dark before and the dawn in the morning. I Sleep right past it. Im the evening and night ow!!! You know that. I always worked the pm and night shifts. I like your coffee mug Honore


  2. I always love seeing Simply a Moment. and I’m sure these posts are treasures for you, too. Mornings are DARK here now (mostly – thanks to my renewed focus on unplugging – literal) and I’m always encouraged by the grace of the dark early hours. Also, I wonder what it must be like to be a night owl?! maybe someone commenting behind me can offer that perspective?


  3. Love that quote from Ali–jotting it down so I remember it! I’m definitely a morning girl—sometimes way too early! I try to guard them closely so I don’t have many commitments in the morning. The one exception is my Tuesday Study group–possibly the best small group experience I’ve ever had. We’ve been together now since right before the pandemic started, and started a year-long project a few weeks ago.


  4. Even if you hadn’t said so, I would have known that you enjoy mornings from how you describe this one. So much possibility! I hope Norman continues to improve.


  5. I saw that the prompt is mornings and decided to wait for a day – today – when I have a green calendar and time to watch and absorb. Hope Norman’s glucose continues to resolve.


  6. My nights are quiet too, I have more energy in the eve, one huge side effect of menopause has been insomnia and sleep interruption (sigh). I am a person who does not do well without sleep. Instead of fighting the tide I’ve been sleeping from 2am-10am. Those wee hours are perfect for an uninterrupted read, a snuggle with my cat, a longer piece of writing or art project, or if I’m feeling tired a Netflix movie. 😉 The house is still, my hubby is a night owl too and we share our space quietly since we share a home and other family members are sleeping. This month I’ve been experimenting with 12-8am and maybe once it’s cooler in the mornings that will invite me to get up earlier and walk. 😉 Thanks for asking, Mere!


  7. Love that simple abundance too. And more embarrassing than you, I bought a gelli plate 2 years ago and have yet to open package. I will try to find a good you tube video and take the plunge! Thanks for the inspiration! Wishing you a lovely weekend…just finished reading a library book I think you would enjoy, London Holiday, by Richard Peck. Quick, fun read! Cheers.🥰


  8. So sorry to read about your paints – that must have been very disappointing :(. But your plan for a day out to get some new ones sounds delightful – packing in treats is the way to go! Very pleased that Norman is improving and hoping you will be able to relax soon – it takes a lot of energy just being on quiet alert when a loved one is not well. Very pleased you are keeping up with your Simply A Moment (we were indeed away this time) …


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