one little word | 4.28.20 …


~sunrise @ 6:26 AM~

“…every morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most.” ~Buddha

I’m a morning person. Have been all my life. When I’ve traveled with friends, they’ve been amazed at my early to rise habit… of course, that also goes with early to bed. Sun up: I’m up; Sun down – I’m not far behind. And that’s the way it’s been for me with me for decades…until  2020 and precisely, early in March. Just days before we “sprang forward” with the clock, I got sick with a cold. And since, I’ve been pretty much homebound, facilitated muchly by the total stop Covid-19 has enforced on our lives, as we know it, all around the world. I do not complain for I am grateful for every moment.

During this time, I’ve had plenty opportunity to examine my daily habits. My mornings at the table have grown longer and longer – primarily because I’ve nowhere to go, no place to be. I’ve spent hours at the table:  thinking, writing, reading, imagining, contemplating, and watching the sky change as clouds move in, around, out. I am noticing both new and different habits popping up into my days – as do the dandelions in the yard.

It is time now to refresh my tea and get a moveon with this day, the 119th of 2020.

How has your word shown up in your life this month? Please share your link below and if there are problems, add the link to your post in this blog’s comments. The linkup expires May 5.


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14 thoughts on “one little word | 4.28.20 …

  1. Those clouds are gorgeous! COVID has given us a lot of opportunities to stop and examine things – I’m glad you’re finding opportunities to feel grateful.


  2. I like some of the changes staying at home has brought to my life. There are things I have “let go” and things from staying home that I plan on carrying forward when we are beyond this. It was a mighty struggle at first, but I have stopped fighting it and that was also most beneficial!


  3. More than a month into this, I find that I’m actually grateful for this time. I know it’s a hardship for many people; we’re lucky that we’re both able to work from home, so not that much has changed, but I am really treasuring the opportunity to be more focused and introspective. It’s really brought into perspective what’s important and what’s not.


  4. Like others, it’s so nice to be home (and thankful to still be working). Definitely paying closer and more attention to even little things. Some habits will continue when we go back to whatever the “new normal” will be. And, I realized I completely forgot to write about my word this morning…will try to do that later this week.


  5. This time at home has brought plenty of opportunity for self-reflection, that’s for sure. I’m glad you’re able to spend more time at your table! That sounds like a very pleasant way to pass the day. Thanks for sharing, Honoré. XO


  6. Such a beautiful soft sky … staying at home with fewer ‘places to be’ does give the chance the chance to notice more, and with a view like yours I’d find it hard to be bothered to move! My word, ‘vitality’ has shown up in lots of unexpected ways (must put some words to this) this month, despite the lockdown. I’m already wondering what life is going to look like when it all eases.


  7. Your mornings always sound so lovely. The sky is beautiful. When I worked I always said that when I retired, I was going to sit and watch Spring arrive. I have noticed more incremental changes than any other season. Thanks for the link-up.


  8. I love your morning routine! My word has taken me to some interesting places this month. who knew we’d need to embrace so many paradoxes (paradoxi ? 😉 and AND is the perfect path. I have been paying a lot more attention to the seasons outside because I’ve been walking the same paths for 7 weeks …it’s a nice frame to notice.


  9. we are peas in a pod. I am an early morning person (5 am) and I love the silence and being alone while I journal. Holly the cat sometimes comes over for a scratch on the head. Blissful.


  10. I too am a morning person. While I’m up and going early I don’t always want to be some where early in the morning! My OLW was [Re]Connect, and I’ve been able to do that with virtual church with our old church, and connecting with new people via Zoom. Am hoping some of the virtual connection doesn’t stop once we get “back to normal”.


  11. Like you, I’ve always been an early morning person, The stay-at-home mandate has shifted that somewhat. Without any conversation about it, both Tracy and I have started staying up later, and thus, rising later as well–typically an hour in both directions. I’m not sure I like the change, but I’m not doing anything about it at the moment. My monthly OLW reflection will go up over the weekend, if things go as planned,


  12. That sky is amazing, the colors and shapes, as well as being framed by the trees. We have been going to bed an hour later and getting up an hour later since commute time has been eliminated for now. I never imagined staying up until 11 on a nightly basis. I live a wild and crazy life. Cheers


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