mindful monday | 8.3.20 …


~saturday’s sky; looks a lot like today’s~

8:30 am: This morning, my candle burns brightly; its fragrance fills the air. Birds and squirrels have been very busy foraging for food. The ever-changing sky is currently blue, dotted with clouds and the sun shines. It is cooler, by a tad – but nonetheless, cooler and most welcomed. During this time of Covid-19, I write often in my journal how eerily quiet it is with no traffic. It is still so.

  • Normally on Mondays – well for 12 consecutive sessions within a quarter, at 8:30 am, EST time, I’m logging onto Jamie Ridler’s Mindful Mondays hour long weekly planning session.
  • Mindful Monday, currently on hiatus, is an opportunity to rejoice in and celebrate our wild and precious lives. Held over Zoom,  – mais oui – participants from over the world gather to:
    1. celebrate our previous week
    2. ponder and plan our upcoming week.

Looking at my planner, this week is basically free of appointments: Wednesday, I get my crown. Perhaps I’ll make an appointment with my hair dresser; perhaps not. Hmm, let me see: what else? Of course, the necessary trip to the grocery store. And my fave noontime break: Daily Pages. Those 30 minutes of creative play are so satisfying. Fun + Done!

Last week, I spent several days döstädning  (decluttering) and organizing my craft studio. Progress is evident but the job’s still incomplete; I shall continue. I look up out the window, at the sky and see a strange thing flying – a drone, perhaps? Nah, a helicopter most likely. Whatever, it’s now out of sight.

It is time to refresh my tea, to continue with planning this week, the 32nd of 2020. Wonder what else is in store? Have a good Monday.*


*After I wrote that sentence, I attempted to stand up and was greeted with a shooting pain in my lower back! Too much döstädning?  I may be going to the doctor instead of the hairdresser…

15 thoughts on “mindful monday | 8.3.20 …

  1. I love the idea of daily pages mid-day. I’m feeling like I need a break after lunch so this might be a good place for that routine/habit? Your posts always give me something to think about. Hope that back pain goes away.


  2. My art break comes at lunch, too but sometimes that’s at 3 or 4pm LOL!
    Slow moves, eh…especially after a long sit. I’m still struggling with a comfortable and supportive place to sit and work on laptop. I love my chiropractor and massage therapist they keep my back and all of me… well ‘together’, LOL I hope your back eases…ice!


  3. I’ve needed several (dental) crowns and each time I’ve asked the dentist for something jeweled or at least shiny and befitting a queen, but alas, he has never granted my wishes. I hope your crown experience is satisfactory and your pain goes away!


  4. Well rats. Back pain is so frustrating as well as painful. Sometimes I alternate heat and ice and then go with what makes me feel better. I hope it is better soon. I never get tired of looking at the sky. I hope it cools off a little in your neck of the woods. I read the DC area is hot and humid.


  5. no no no. No to back pain! Our skies are cloudy and wintry . It is in the 60s. Bring SUMMER back!!!! I don’t even want one cool day! Trying to stick to routine as my word …..


  6. Sorry to hear of your back pain – hope it is gone by now. After several days of bad back pain, my husband is finally able to stand straight and walk without being hunched over. Good luck with the crown work!


  7. Hope the back pain is short-lived! Ice is good, and I agree with an earlier comment that I find a chiropractor to be a big help! Hope the storm coming up the East Coast doesn’t do any damage where you are. I actually finished my OLW post in time to link it up! 🙂


  8. It sounds like you need to make some time in your schedule for stretching your back!

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve really come to enjoy the COVID quiet. It was a little disarming at first, but I have enjoyed being able to hear the birds singing in the morning instead of traffic.


  9. So sorry to hear about that shooting pain in your back. I hope it has eased by the time you read this comment. I desperately need to get my hair trimmed. Would prefer NOT to go to the salon, but I’m beginning to wear down on that one. . .


  10. oh ugh about your back … silver lining, though, that you have a book to read! and I hope your back feels better BEFORE you run out of pages!!


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