one little word|5.26.20…


Drop by drop is the water pot filled. ~ Buddha

Over these past days, correction, months, of social distancing and staying at home, I’ve been more conscious of the minutes, hours, passage of time. I suspect we all have as shared by news and social media tales of how we are coping – or not – world wide. I know the rhythm of my days has certainly changed; I suspect there won’t be a return to what was and in many ways, that is A-OK with me…for I am liking the flow and new habits that I am creating. That’s good.

On my bucket or someday maybe – list, has been a wish: resume the practice of art journaling. Ten years ago, when I first retired, I did a lot of art journaling. I drifted away. I’m not sure why or how. Lately, I’ve found myself dabbling in messy art. Could this be the reawakening? Or just a passing fancy? Only time will tell but in the meantime, I am enjoying the reconnection.

There are other habits on my list I wish to resume, start  or stop. But before I tackle them, I shall focus on cementing my reconnection with messy art journaling, my unrequited love?

How has your word shown up in your life this month? Please share your link below and if there are problems, add the link to your post in this blog’s comments. The linkup expires June 3, 2020.

I look forward to reading about your 2020 One Little Word experience. Thanks for sharing.


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15 thoughts on “one little word|5.26.20…

  1. Art journaling is so fascinating – I hope I get to see some of your spreads. I am reluctant when it comes to drawing and painting but love seeing other people’s art.

    Thanks so much for the linkup this month!


  2. Like Katie, I am fascinated with the idea of Art Journaling – but I am lacking the skills to do it and like the result. I took lots of art classes and loved them. But I struggled with pen/brush/pencil and paper, preferring instead to make things.

    I have reached the point of no return with my word – so I am dragging along with me kicking and screaming all the way!


  3. I love the idea of art journaling as well, but usually I don’t have the time. During the pandemic I’ve started journaling daily again, so maybe I’ll start adding some art in at some point. I’ve got a long time until retirement, but you’re inspiring me with how much you get done and I hope that when I do get there, I can fill my days with as much creativity as you do!


  4. Art journaling! What fun, Honoré! I’m so glad to hear you’re reconnecting with this former joy in your life. I hope you’ll share some of your creations.


  5. I have been watching videos of painting and doodling. The other day I found my art journal in a drawer and pulled it out thinking it might be a fun diversion. We might be on the same wavelength!


  6. I love art journaling–I’m so glad you talked about that here! I started one during a tough transition, and when I look back, I see the story it tells through VERY untrained sketches & watercolors, but also poetry & collage. Like many things, once I was out of the ‘thick of it,’ I set the art journal aside (because it’s hard to keep up with everything!). But you’ve reminded me how much I enjoyed the process.


  7. It’s been years since I did any serious art journaling. Not many months ago, I came across one I started in a class that both Sarah and I took. She could have been in high school, so that was a LONG time ago. I enjoyed looking through it, but tI didn’t feel any pull to go back to it. I am journaling a lot more since the pandemic began, and being very faithful about it.


  8. Honore, are we all using the same word? I’m embarrassed to say my word is forgotten! I better pick a new word for the last 5 days of May. It will be : action
    I would like to stay active. Not being at the Barn volunteering has taken many steps away. However, Fireman and I are cycling together at least once or twice a week. I need to stay active. I also need to volunteer somewhere else. I need to be active in the community as the Barn is closed now. IT is reopening but, too soon for us. We cannot distance there and so we feel it is unsafe for US right now. If I go to take photos, they will ask for just a little more, as such places always have to …….


  9. I love what other people create and it mesmerizes me but I’ve never tried art journaling myself. I have always been resistant to ‘messy’, lol, but I’m learning. Gluing, doodling in my journal and Yearbook pages have been a huge stretch from my days of ordered Morning Pages. Lets play together!

    PS excellent Buddha


  10. You have been retired for 10 years? You are my new hero. I am fairly newly retired (I used to be a teacher) and still learning the ropes. I love the idea of art journaling, especially messy art journaling. My word this year is “humility”. Boy, did I pick the right year for that word. The concept of revisiting my word each month is appealing. So glad I found your one-word link up. It gives structure and encouragement to consider my word on a more regular basis.


  11. I love art journaling but have sadly been away from it for quite awhile. I was hoping to see what you’ve been creating – please share!


  12. oooh that sounds lovely, Honoré – what a silver lining to find something new(ish) and beautiful in this time! (sorry I missed the OLW meetup … plan to post before the month-end, though!)


  13. The word ‘messy’ in front of ‘art journalling’ sounds wonderfully permission-giving and kind! If it is an unrequited love, gosh, then perhaps it’s time the two of you met up again …?


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