simply a moment | 6.15.20…

~this morning about 7 am~
I promised myself that I’d resume the practice of writing about the  moment on the 15th of the month – a practice I cultivated for 4 or so  years. Why I stopped, I really can’t  say. This morning I wrote a draft in the DayONE app on my iPad, fully expecting it to appear (aka sync) on my desktop. Dinna happen. So at 6:15 PM this evening, I was pre-occupied trying to figure out why not and what to do next…answers that I yet do not have…
In previous Simply A Moment entries, I aimed to capture the moment in time that corresponded to the date: 3:15 pm at 3/15  or 6:15 am or pm  on 6/15.
This morning, at 6:15 am, tho’ I was awake and up, I’d completely forgotten that today was the 15th and therefore, called for this post. At 7:17 am, waiting for my tea to cool, I realized that my body clock was still operating on regular time and 7:17 am, DST, was close enough. And thus I wrote, in DayONE on my iPad:
My tea has cooled. I am settled in at the table. There is a very perceptible breeze. More traffic is visible on the Avenue – Rhode Island Avenue (aka as US Route 1) – tho’ not nearly as heavy at this time of day, pre Covid-19  and despite the fact that some of stay at home orders in the DMV area have been lifted.
It is now 7:48 am and at 8:30, Mindful Monday begins. This practice, my first Zoom session of this week 25 in the year 2020. Led by Jamie Ridler, creator/hostess of the Journal Cub – on summer vacation – Mindful Monday is the time for focusing on the week’s: goals, plans, activities, musts and wants – with more emphasis on wants.  During the session’s 45 minutes, we 
  • reprise the previous week
  • journal
  • plan and choose a touchstone and one thing to focus on during the week.

My idea, not yet a plan, is to use DayONE twice a day, in the morning and evening, between the 6 -8 AM and PM hours, to document my day/s, using a hybrid approach – combining analog + digital script…for I can now also use the Apple pen in DayONE on the iPad!  I’m hoping this will be an interesting experiment. Stay tuned…

And now, I shall move on to the PM agenda: back to joining blocks on my Log Cabin 9 Patch lap robe using the 3-Needle Bindoff technique…




10 thoughts on “simply a moment | 6.15.20…

  1. I was talking this evening to my small group about the practice of being present, in the moment. I think your daily practice is a wonderful idea. And, I am thinking an IPad with pen as an option might be a good retirement device 😊


  2. Isn’t the sun just so high in the sky at 7 a.m now? How lovely . I love your daily practice routines . I find I am very in the moment if I am : gardening, digging , weeding, or watering. Nature usually puts me in the moment. I am NOT in the moment when I am trying to do any two things at once. It is just a bad practice for me, all around , in general. Being with the horses demanded that present attention, and I miss that intensity. Hugs to you Honore.


  3. This is such a great practice in mindfulness. How often do we pause and think about what we’re doing at one particular moment in time?


  4. I love the practice of Mindful Monday and choosing a touchstone for the week. And I like the idea of Simply a Moment. I’m going to mark my calendar for one of those times. What a beautiful sky – the sun rises bringing hope for the new day.


  5. I was doing a daily sketching prompt that I burned out on after six months and then stopped. Now I wish I was doing some sketching daily again! I guess I need a different motivational tool.


  6. That sounds like a very useful piece of technology – I admire your ability to manage all these apps and resources. I am a dinosaur, still working with paper and pencil!


  7. I love how you’re managing the practice to make it work. and yes, I LOVE the idea of the digital pencil (sadly, that iPad isn’t in my near future) … still, I CAN find the time to sit with my pen and paper every day, and the days when I do that are always better days.


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